Quality Control and Analysis in the Mass Seismic Data Processing System MPS海量地震数据处理的质量控制与分析
With the technology of micro-electronic developing promptly in recent years, the process ability and speed of electronic appliance and equipment has increased greatly, which provides the hardware platform for the mass data processing and the complex system control. 近年来随着微电子技术的高速发展,电子芯片的处理能力和处理速度大幅度提高,为大数据量的实时处理和复杂系统控制提供了硬件平台。
Mass Spectral Data Processing and Analysis 质谱的数据处理及分析
In fact, many applications, such as mass data flow, image processing, artificial vision, nerve networks, and optical parallel computing systems need 2D spatial optical signal processing. 而在实际中存在着大量数据流、图像处理、人工视觉、神经网络和光学并行运算等许多应用领域需要的是二维空间的光信息处理。
In order to manage mass data efficiently in the processing of city modeling, the paper has studied the storage and management in database of texture data. 为了有效地管理城市建模过程中所需的海量数据,对纹理图像数据的数据库存储和管理进行了实验研究。
The mass data processing is a common problem during the development of application, and to make application user friendly better, it usually provides the means to escape from mass data processing. 大数据量处理过程是应用程序开发中的常见问题,为了提高应用程序的交互性,取消处理过程的操作通常是必要的。
Equipped with RS-232 interface, this system could easily communicate with PC, generate torque and rotational speed dynamic curves through the mass data sotrage and data processing results in PC. 该测量系统提供了RS-232接口能力,能方便地与上位机通信,利用上位机进行海量数据存储和数据的处理,得到转矩、转速的动态曲线。
Key Techniques on the Framework of Mass Data Processing System 海量数据处理系统框架关键技术研究
In this paper, a big capacity SDRAM matrix and dual-DSPs hardware are studied based on the mass data memory and processing in real time for the weak singal intercept and analysis. 用大容量动态存储器以及双DSP硬件处理系统实现了大量数据缓存和实时信号处理,从而完成了对微弱信号截获的分析。
Quantum computing displays revolutionary ability of data processing, and shows that having the potential to become mainstream post-Moore information processing technology. It can meet the strong demand of information society mass data processing ability and high performance computing in future. 量子计算所展示的具有技术革命性的数据处理能力,有潜力发展成为后摩尔时代的核心信息处理技术,满足未来信息社会对海量数据处理能力和高性能计算的强烈需求。
With an increasing requirement for the computing performance in the complex application, single microprocessor is no longer capable of satisfying mass data processing. It is indispensable to establish a high-speed, reliable computing system. 随着复杂应用对计算系统性能的要求不断提高,采用单一微处理器已不能满足海量数据处理的需要,迫切需要一种高速可靠的计算系统。
And then we introduce the basic knowledge of data mining and mass data processing, including purposes, procedures and methods of data mining, as well as the difficulty of mass data processing. 然后阐述了数据挖掘和海量数据处理的基本知识,包括数据挖掘的目的、步骤和方法,以及海量数据处理的难点与处理技巧。
With the development and promotion of cloud computing, many applications involving mass data processing are emerging robustly. 随着云计算的发展及推广,众多涉及海量数据处理的应用蓬勃涌现。
Through the advantages of GPU ( Graphic Processing Unit) in graphics processing, the paper improves SIFT algorithm, efficiency of UAV data automatic registration and solves the problem of mass UAV data processing bottleneck. 并通过GPU(GraphicProcessingUnit)在图形处理方面的优势,改进彩色SIFT算法,提高无人机图像自动配准效率,解决海量的无人机任务数据处理的瓶颈问题。
Along with the rise of social informatization level, requirements for mass data storage and processing have put forward higher requirements on mass storage space utilization rate and data safety. 随着社会信息化水平的提高,海量数据的存储与处理需求对大规模存储系统的存储空间利用率和数据安全性方面都提出了较高的要求。
The cloud computing does not appear suddenly, after network computing high speed development, it is necessary to solve the mass data processing and the construction of green data center. 云计算不是突兀产生的,它是网络计算发展快速发展后,面临海量数据处理和数据中心绿化的必然要求。
In the future, sensing applications depends more and more on the mass sensing data processing, so integration for sensing resources should cover the full services of the SWE. 未来的传感应用依赖于海量传感数据处理,对于传感资源的整合需求也应覆盖SWE的全部服务。
Discusses key techniques on how to realize the movement simulation system with Visual C++. These techniques include solid mass modeling, database, data processing, chart output and movement simulation on screen. 对使用Visualc++开发运动仿真系统需要解决的实体建模、数据库操作、数据处理、参数曲线输出、屏幕运动仿真等关键技术进行了研究。
Traditional personnel management system, managers often have to face a variety of data tables, text information, using traditional management methods is lagging far behind the current information society, mass data processing. 在传统的人事管理系统中,管理人员通常要面对各种不同的数据表格、文字信息等,采用传统的管理方法早已不适应当前信息社会的海量数据处理。
It is the wide range of mass data processing applications and the vigorous development of open source software which provide an opportunity for process of massive network academic literature. 海量数据处理研究的不断深入和开源软件的蓬勃发展,为海量网络学术文献的并行处理研究提供了契机。
Mass data search problem is the difficult problem in mass data processing. 海量数据搜索问题是海量数据处理的难点问题。
Mass spectrometer is composed by ion source, vacuum system, ion focusing system, mass analyzer, detector and data processing system components. 质谱仪一般由离子源、真空系统、聚焦导引系统、质量分析器、检测器和数据处理系统等部分组成。
As the experimental data shows, the mass data processing platform using Hadoop and Hive can complete effective information mining in the limited time and provide reliable data support for the crawler strategy adjustments. 实验数据表明,本文以爬虫的日志数据作为数据来源,采用Hadoop,Hive的海量数据处理平台,能在有限的时间内完成有效信息的抽取,为爬虫的策略调整提供可靠的数据支持。
Fortunately, cloud computing provides the powerful computing ability and storage ability for the mass data processing, which can efficiently deal with the Skyline query. 云计算为海量数据的查询处理提供了强大的计算能力和存储能力,能够有效解决海量数据的Skyline查询问题。
Bandwidth requirement and energy consumption of memory accesses are always the bottlenecks of the system performance in high-speed mass data processing systems. 在高速海量数据交互系统中,存储访问的带宽和能耗需求往往是限制系统性能的瓶颈。
The technology of mass data processing using a distributed system is widely discussed and studied at home and abroad. 利用分布式系统处理海量数据的技术在国内外受到广泛的讨论和研究。
Because the amount of data is very big, single machine could not satisfy the mass data processing performance and reliability requirements. 由于数据量非常大,单台机器不可能满足海量数据处理的性能和可靠性等方面的要求。
Design the system framework, loading balance between several servers, mechanism of data synchronization between servers and database storage scheme for the need of mass data fast processing. 针对海量数据快速处理的需求,设计了系统的总体框架,多服务器处理的负载均衡机制,数据同步机制和数据库存储方案。
Because of mass data in seismic data processing, we also make research on data grid. 由于地震资料处理的海量数据特点,本文还进行了管理海量数据的数据网格的研究。
For the mass data processing, content based filtering algorithms face to the performance problem, so practical algorithms are collaborative filtering algorithms. 对于海量数据的处理,基于内容文本的过滤算法在性能方面遇到很大瓶颈,实用的算法主要是各种协同过滤算法。